Physical Therapy

Strain-counterstrain techniques are used in physical therapy fields, such as massage therapy, to improve muscle flexibility, relieve pain, and allow for a patient’s greater range of motion. It is used to reduce muscle and joint pain

Strain-counterstrain techniques are used in physical therapy fields, such as massage therapy, to improve muscle flexibility, relieve pain, and allow for a patient’s greater range of motion. It is used to reduce muscle and joint pain. Most commonly referred to as positional release techniques, strain-counterstraintechniques are used to bring relief to patients affected by muscle strain or small knots of tissue known as trigger points.

The manual therapy consists of assisting the patient into and exaggerated form of incorrect posture or positioning, allowing a 60 to 90 second rest time, and then helping the patient into a correct posture.

The strain-counterstrain therapy often results in a greater range of motion motionand more comfort for the patient.


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