Getting to the Root Cause Functional medicine refers to the idea that if the various organ systems are performing and interacting with each other properly then you have a healthy, vigorously functioning mind and body. However, if any one system is overburdened and...
For over three decades I have utilized the science of testing a man or woman’s hormones in order to study the delicate balance of each individual’s glandular system. What I have learned is that the entire glandular system is responsible for a smooth transition...
Prolozone and Neural Prolo What is Prolozone? Prolozone is derived from the Latin word “proli” which means to regenerate or rebuild, and the word ozone. Ozone is the most highly active form of oxygen in the universe. Prolozone uses the power of oxygen to...
Nullam vel auctor enim, at aliquam sem. Vivamus nec nisl ornare, cursus lorem quis, venenatis massa. Nulla pharetra, erat sed mattis sagittis, eros urna fringilla erat, quis ullamcorper lectus lectus vitae odio. Vivamus sit amet risus ac nunc pellentesque consectetur....
Nullam vel auctor enim, at aliquam sem. Vivamus nec nisl ornare, cursus lorem quis, venenatis massa. Nulla pharetra, erat sed mattis sagittis, eros urna fringilla erat, quis ullamcorper lectus lectus vitae odio. Vivamus sit amet risus ac nunc pellentesque consectetur....